What to Bring to a Super Bowl Party: Food Ideas

What to Bring to a Super Bowl Party: Food Ideas

The Super Bowl is not just a showdown on the gridiron; it's a culinary competition in living rooms across the country. Whether you're looking to score a touchdown with your...
Team Flouwr
Tagged: baking cooking
Planning Your Super Bowl Menu with the Best Snacks That Make for Great Leftovers

Planning Your Super Bowl Menu with the Best Snacks That Make for Great Leftovers

It's that time of year again, folks! The Super Bowl is fast approaching, and you're probably getting ready to throw a party. But before you start getting overly excited, have...
Team Flouwr
How a Recipe Planner and Journal Can Elevate Your Cooking Game

How a Recipe Planner and Journal Can Elevate Your Cooking Game

Have you ever tried a recipe and loved it so much that you wanted to make it again, but with a little twist? Or maybe you’ve had a baking disaster...
Team Flouwr
Give a Treat, Not an Allergic Reaction

Give a Treat, Not an Allergic Reaction

Let's set the scene. It's your friend's birthday, and you want to gift something special. You know they love sweet treats, so you bake a batch of homemade cookies and...
Team Flouwr
Why You Need to Follow A Recipe the First Time

Why You Need to Follow A Recipe the First Time

Are you one of those people who love to wing it in the kitchen? Do you swap out ingredients like it's no biggie? Listen, we respect your creativity, but we...
Team Flouwr
Tagged: baking cooking
Kitchen Reset: A Fresh Start for Your Cooking Space

Kitchen Reset: A Fresh Start for Your Cooking Space

As we shake off the dust of the current year and welcome a new year with open arms, it's time to do some housekeeping in the heart of your home:...
Team Flouwr
The Ultimate Guide to Planning and Organizing Your Holiday Baking

The Ultimate Guide to Planning and Organizing Your Holiday Baking

Ah, the holidays. It is a time for love, laughter, and insanely delicious treats. If you're anything like us, you've already got your sights set on a whole host of...
Team Flouwr
5 Essentials for Beginning Baker Bosses

5 Essentials for Beginning Baker Bosses

You decided not to let the intimidation that can come with baking get the best of you. You decided that working with various ingredients to make something that is enjoyable...
Team Flouwr
Baking is F*cking Intimidating

Baking is F*cking Intimidating

My adventure in baking, in overcoming a very intimidating-I-could-never-bake-this-ever chapter, and why I created Flouwr to power and inspire the curious creators. 
Team Flouwr